Washington State Research
State Government
Access Washington
The official State Government website provides access to resources by topic, agency or service provided.
Licensed Professions in Washington
A list of types licenses issued in Washington state along with which department issues the license.
Office of Financial Management
Get budget information, population reports, find research and data by subject, and state government performance assessment tools.
State Agency, Commission & Organization Directory
The Washington Channel
The YouTube channel of the Washington State government, linking you to videos from state agencies, departments, and elected officials.
Washington State Arts Commission
Locate grants, fellowships and apprenticeships, learn about folk and community arts, and access arts in education programs.
Washington State Department of Licensing
Find information for getting your drivers license or ID card, locate vehicle registration information, or learn about professional license requirements within the state.
State Government Publications
Published by state agencies, state publications provide current and historical information about government and the state of Washington.
Current Governor of Washington
Executive Orders
A partial archive of orders issued by Washington's governors.
Governors of Washington, Territorial and State
Complete digital copy of the book by Edmond Meany, written in 1915.
National Governors Association
Biographies of current, and former governors.
Territorial Governors Portraits, 1853-1889
This collection consists of photographic portraits and drawings of the governors of Washington Territory.
Washington Governor's Mansion - A History
Washington Territorial and State Governors
Chronological list of governors, including party affiliation, dates of birth, death, and terms.
Washington Territorial and State Governors - Images
This is a searchable database of digital images and biographical information about past governors of the State of Washington.
Bill / RCW Cross Reference Tables
Bill Information
Includes the history of bills and all relevant documents, for the previous 3 legislative sessions. For sessions going back to 1991, change biennium in the individual detailed legislative reports.
Alphabetical and Chronological Index to the laws, resolutions, and memorials passed by the Washington Territorial Legislature from 1854-1887.
Laws of Washington 1854 - 1861-2
Laws of Washington 1889-1890
Revised Code of Washington (RCW) (current)
Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Archive
Sessions Laws of Washington State 1854 - present
Washington Administrative Code (WAC) (current)
Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Archive, 2004 - present
Washington City and County Codes
Washington State Constitution
View images of the original state constitution.
Digitized scholarship about the state constitution from the UW Gallagher Law Library
Washington State Register
Washington State Law Library
Find Your Legislator
Search for your legislative district, statewide and congressional district maps, and information about your legislators using your home address.
The fourteenth session : a brief history of the men...in the [state] legislature of 1915
A digital copy of the 1915 book by Alfred T Renfro. (includes photographs)
History of the State Legislature
The history of the legislature; includes oral histories, photographs & documents. Also includes digital copies of Don Brazier's History of the State Legislature, 1854-1963 & 1965-1982.
House of Representatives Group Photos
This collection on the Washington State Digital Archives, consists of group photos of members of the House of Representatives, 1883-1981.
Legislative Building Photograph Collection, 1928-1965
A collection of photographs, from the Washington State Archives, of the original construction and early history of the Legislative Building.
Members of the Legislature
Listed by district, from 1889 - 2019
Members of the Territorial Assembly
Listed by Session, from 1854-1887
Members of the current State House and Senate, including a pictorial guide to new members, and committee membership and administrative staff.
State Legislature Home Page
State Senate Group Photos, 1881-1993
Washington State Legislative Sessions
Chronological list of legislative sessons, includes start & end dates, as well as numbers of bills introduced, enacted and vetoed.
Women in the Washington State Legislature
A searchable database containing information on women who have served in the Washington State Legislature.
Celebrating 100 Years of Women in the Legislature
Biographies of women who have served in the Washington State Legislature arranged chronologically, 1913-2013.
Women Lawmakers - Political Pioneers
Biographies of women who served in the Washington State Legislature through 1982.
Black Legislators of Washington State
Photographs and brief biographies of the Black Washingtonians who have served in the Washington State Legislature.
Latino (Hispanic) Legislators of Washington State
Photographs and brief biographies of the Latino/Latina Washingtonians who have served in the Washington State Legislature
Law Libraries in Washington State
Temple of Justice - Cases & biographical information for every State Supreme Court Justice
U.S. Courts for the 9th Circuit - including Western & Eastern District Courts and Western & Eastern District Bankruptcy Courts in Washington State
Washington State Bar Association
Washington State Case Law - from Google scholar
Washington State Courts - forms, recent opinions and searchable court records.
Washington State Supreme Court & Court of Appeals Decisions
Washington State Supreme Court
Washington State Law Library
Washington State Statistics
Department of Health (WA State) - Data & Statistical Reports
Statistics reports from the Washington State Department of Health.
Department of Social & Health Services (WA State) - Research & Data Analysis
Research reports and statistics from the Research & Data Analysis Division of DSHS.
Education Research and Data Center
The center conducts analyses of early learning, K-12, and higher education programs and education issues in Washington State.
Facts & Bill Data
Charts and graphs detailing information about past political divisions, bill introductions, bills passed, and vetoes of the State House of Representatives and of the State Senate.
Office of Financial Management - Forecasting Division
The Forecasting Division provides estimates of state and local population, monitors changes in the state economy and labor force, and conducts research on a variety of issues affecting the state budget and public policy.
Washington Library Statistics
Statistics such as budget, collections and usage data for Washington State Public & Academic Libraries.
Washington QuickFacts, U.S. Census
Browse U.S. Census datasets for Washington by subject, get information by county or city, and see comparison to U.S. totals.
Washington State Data Book
Washington statistics on the following topics: Population, Economy, State Government Finance, Human Services, Criminal Justice, Education, Natural Resources, Environment, Energy, Transportation, and Local Government.
Washington Statistical Analysis Center
It is a clearinghouse for the state's criminal justice information, providing access to data, publications, and links to other state and federal resources.
Elections & Voting in Washington State
County Auditors/Elections Departments in Washington State
Elections & Voting (A division of the Office of the Secretary of State)
Information on everything related to elections in Washington State, including voter registration, election laws, upcoming & previous elections.
Historical Timeline of Voting & Elections in Washington State
History of Votes on State Income Tax
Oaths of Office 1854-1994
Collection includes the names of over 22,000 elected or appointed officials in Washington State, who took an oath of office between 1854 and 1994
Previous Election Results
Results are available for elections taking place from 1898 to the present.
Redistricting: A Decade-by-Decade Glance
Voters Pamplets, 1914 -
The State Library has started digitizing the state voters pamphlets, starting from 1914. More recent editions are available on the State Elections web site.
Voting Districts Map
Washington State Cities & Counties
City Web Sites & Contact Information
Counties of Washington - Brief Histories
County Look-up - Enter a city name in the search box to find that city's county
County Web Sites & Contact Information
Municipal Research & Services Center of Washington
A comprehensive local government site, containing weekly news, sample documents, responses to common questions received by MRSC, local & state statutes and administrative rules.
Territorial Cities, Counties & Corporations
Read the histories of towns, cities, counties, and corporations throughout Washington State that were founded during Washington’s territorial period (1853-1889).
Washington Place Names Database
Early Washington Maps
Digital Collection from Washington State University
General Land Office records (U.S. Bureau of Land Management)
Search for federal land records, including survey plat maps.
General Map Collection, 1841-2005 (Washington State Archives)
The State Archives has digitized over 5000 Washington state maps from their collection, and made them available on their free Digital Archives web site. The maps include railroad maps, highway maps, maps of rivers and tidelands, charts, county maps, city maps, forest area maps, and park maps.
Maps from the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources
Maps on a wide variety of topics, including mining reclamation, geothermal resources and trail maps.
Maps in the Washington State Library Collections
The State Library has many maps, which are found in our historical, federal publications and state publication collections.
Washington Maps Online
Current maps for Washington State Highways, for City, State & National Parks, and the Capitol Campus in Olympia.
USGS Topographic Maps
The State Library has a large collection of federal topographic maps issued by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). You can use our catalog to do a keyword search for the place name along with the word topographic. This collection does not circulate, and unfortunately, library staff is unable to undertake map research on behalf of customers.
Many of the USGS historical topographic maps are also available to view on the USGS web site. New maps will only be released online, through the USGS Map Store.
Washington State Facts & Symbols
Simply Washington
Booklet providing an overview of Washington State
State Facts
Learn about our history, population, economy, climate & geography.
State Symbols
Learn about the official State Seal, Flag, Animals, Plants, & Songs.
Washington State Flag
Includes history of the flag, state regulations, rules pertaining to use, as well as care & disposal.
Washington State History
George Washington Bush
Site includes a biography of the early African-American pioneer in Tumwater/Olympia, as well as maps, articles, and timelines.
The Great Depression in Washington State - a multimedia resource from the University of Washington
An online encyclopedia of Washington State history. Includes articles, slide shows, cyber tours and an image collection.
Labor & Civil Rights movements in the Pacific Northwest
History projects done by the University of Washington on the antiwar movement, civil rights in Seattle, and a variety of other labor history and civil rights history topics.
Simply Washington
Booklet providing an overview of Washington State
Territorial Timeline
A historical timeline of the Pacific Northwest and Washington Territory.
Legacy Washington
Territory and State of Washington 1853 to the Present : An Overview of Federal Congressional and Senatorial Representation
Washington History Day
This web site guides you to primary source documents about Pacific Northwest history located in archives and libraries around the state. You can search by subject, time period, or by repository.
Washington Women's History Consortium
Preserves and makes available resources about Washington state women's history.
Washington State Travel & Tourism
Access Washington - Visiting & Recreation
The official State Government web site provides information on Events, Festivals, Museums, Performing Arts, Parks, Outdoor activities, as well as maps & weather information.
Capitol Tour & Visitor Information
Find how to book a tour, directions, events calendars, and facts and history about the capitol.
Experience Washington
Access tourist and travel information on accommodations, activities, attractions, deals, events, and maps.
Maps for Washington State Highways, for City, State & National Parks, and the Capitol Campus in Olympia.
Washington State Ferries
West Coast Tide Tables